The Playa Chronicles Page 4
“You’re just saying that ’cause you got caught.”
“No, that’s not it at all.” I laughed to myself as I thought about something that Mr. George told me once. “Until your woman catches you in the pussy and sticks her finger in your ass and says I got you, you ain’t caught. You can always deny it.” I started to share that little tidbit of playa logic with April, but I knew this wasn’t the time.
“I wanted us to start thinking about the future, Rick. Our future—our future together. Not you, meand Laura, or anybody else for that matter; just you and me. I wanted to get married one day. I wanted to marry you. But I can’t, not like this.”
She said it.
The M word.
I cringed when she said it the first time. But when she said that she wanted to marry me, somehow it didn’t seem as bad.
“I’m not saying that we should run out and get married tomorrow. I know that you’re not ready. But all I want is for you to show me some respect.”
“I do respect you.”
“How could you say you respect me? ’Cause you don’t parade your women all up in my face? I know Victor knows what you doin’, doesn’t he?” I didn’t answer. “I’ll take that as a yes, playa. I’ve heard him call you playa. So if he knows, I know that Keisha has to know it too. So how is that respecting me?”
Once again, she had me speechless. I hate it when that happens. But all in all, I knew she was right. And so did she. All I could say was, “Okay.”
“Okay, what does that mean? Okay?”
“Okay, April. You’re right; I’ve been wrong. But if you give me some time I’ll show you.”
“We’ll see,” April said, as she got up and walked toward the front door. She looked back at me. “But I think you should go home. Like I said, I think we need to take a break from each other.”
“Don’t do this, April. You’ll see, I’ll change,” I pleaded with her, thinking that this couldn’t be happening.
“Come back when you’ve changed and we’ll see. But I won’t play the fool anymore.”
I got up and walked to the door. April opened the door and I stepped outside. I turned and looked at her. “Good night, Rick,” April said and closed the door in my face.
I felt bad as I drove away from April’s apartment, like a beaten man. It felt like I had lost the only thing that was really important to me. And I had. Now, what I should have done was gone straight home and called April. Talked to her on the phone until the sun came up the way we used to in the old days when we couldn’t get enough of each other. But I didn’t, I started rationalizing. Why does April want a break all of the sudden? She got another man on hold? Yeah, that’s it. That’s why she was so quiet tonight. She had to get rid of me so she could get with that nigga.
I took out my cell phone as I drove and called Laura. But as fate would have it, I got voice mail on all of her numbers. “Damn, who can I call?” I asked myself, still unwilling to accept the obvious answer. Go home, call April, and beg her to take you back.
But then I thought about, Karen, or was it Sharon? What her name was didn’t make a difference. All that mattered was that she answered the phone on the second, and after she made sure that I knew her name was Sharon and not Karen, she invited me over. When I got there she opened the door wearing a leopard print teddy and a thong to match.
She quietly led me into her candlelit bedroom. Sharon put her arms around my neck and kissed me. At first I couldn’t get thoughts of April out of my head, but as I let my hands roam freely over her body, they began to fade. Her body shook from the excitement of the sex we were about to have.
I slid one of her straps off her shoulders and lightly bite her. “Ooooh, I like it like that,” she whispered. Then she moved my hands back from her body. Sharon undressed me slowly, kissing and caressing me as she removed each article of my clothing until I stood before her naked. “Lay down,” she whispered in my ear.
I laid down across the bed and watched Sharon seductively slid the straps of her teddy down her shoulders. She moved a little closer and I watched as she eased them down slowly and revealed her beautiful breasts, then she let the teddy drop down her body until it hit the floor. She turned around and slid her thong off her hips and let it drop next to her teddy. At that point, any thoughts of April and whatever game she was playing were gone from my mind.
When she was naked, Sharon lay down in bed next to me and I ran my hand across her breasts and teased them with my tongue. I got up on my knees and slid my tongue slowly around her beautiful, dark circles, never touching her nipples. At the same time, I gently spread her legs and fingered her clit. I felt it getting hard and she moaned her approval.
I guided my tongue along her body, then kissed her naval.
Sharon gently rolled me to my back. As I lay on my back with my eyes closed, I enjoyed the taste of her tongue darting playfully in and out of my mouth, followed by the sensation of her lips, soft and wet, against my chest.
I opened my eyes and watched as she began gliding her hands across my skin to my now throbbing hardness. She reached out and slowly began to massage it. Sharon looked at me and then kissed me passionately as she continued to stroke my erection. I reached out for Sharon and gently moved her body so I could taste her. I ran my tongue along her lips and proceeded to lick her clit. She moaned while continuing to slide her hand up and down my shaft. When she straddled my face and I inhaled her scent, I began slowly tonguing her lips and sucking lightly on her clit. Once again, I closed my eyes, felt Sharon move, and soon I felt the sensation of her lips sucking my dick, slowly sliding up and down on my erection. Her body began to tremble.
Sharon quickly repositioned herself and lowered herself onto me. While she took my erection into the wetness between her thighs, she stared into my eyes. “You’re dick is so damn hard and feels so good inside me,” she said as we moved in unison. She moved her body slowly up and down and then in circles. She leaned forward and kissed me. She moved from side to side, rubbing her nipples across my chest.
I grabbed her ass and ran my hands up and down her back and across her cheeks. Sharonstarted to move her hips faster. I pushed harder, and I felt Sharon’s body begin to shake and saw her eyes open wide. “You’re gonna make me come!” she screamed and grabbed my shoulders. She dug her nails in and slammed her body into mine. Her mouth opened and she then collapsed on my chest.
Sharon rolled off of me and I laid there watching as she crawled around on the bed. I got on my knees crawled over beside her and ran my hands along her back and around her ass. Sharon spread her legs and I fingered her clit and played with her lips.
Sharon looked over her shoulder. “Come on. Fuck me, Rick.” I entered her from behind. Her pussy was so soft, so wet and I felt her bucking, pounding that pretty ass against me. I felt the muscles inside her pussy tighten around me and she screamed. Sharon rolled over on her back and I crawled between her legs. She smiled and touched my face. I dropped my head between her thighs and began to suck her pussy again. She came again.
Then she pushed my head away from her pussy and pulled me toward her. She was so wet that I entered her in a single stroke. I placed the weight of my body on my arms, and she arched her back and rotated her hips in perfect unison with me, until we screamed together.
I rolled over on my back. Sharon scooted close to me and laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and she moved closer. “That was great, Rick,” she said and put her leg over mine. I stared at the ceiling and I saw April, standing with her hands on her hips. I won’t play the fool anymore.
Leaving Laura
“This is Rick.”
“I figured I’d find you there.”
“How you doing, Laura?”
“Working, baby. But what else is new?” Laura said.
“Tell me about it. I been here every night this week and I’m still not done.”
“I’m about to wrap things up here. What about you? How much longer you gonna be t
“I don’t know, Laura. Another couple of hours I guess,” I replied, even though I was tired and probably wouldn’t be here much longer. “Discipline, playa,” I told myself. I had something to prove, not only to April, but to myself. I was going to change. I was going to get all these other women out of my life and become the kind of man that not only April wanted me to be, but that I knew I could be.
“That’s too bad. I was hoping that we could get together and have a drink. Then we can have this talk you’ve been wanting to have with me.”
“Yeah, well, we do need to talk.” I thought about it. Might as well get this over with before I change my mind. “Where do you want to meet?”
“Why don’t you come down here? Meet me at the Sun Dial in about an hour.”
“Okay, Laura, I’ll see you in an hour. Don’t have me sitting up there waiting for hours. You know how you are.”
“Very funny. You just worry about yourself, I got this,” Laura said with a bit of an attitude.
“All right now. I’ll see you later, Laura.” I hung up knowing full well that it wasn’t going to be as simple as that. I finished the projections I was running and headed for the Plaza.
I arrived at the Plaza, parked my car in the garage, and took the elevator up to the seventy-third floor. The Sun Dial is one of my favorite places. The Mose Davis Trio was playing and the view of the city was spectacular. The building is round and the floor revolves slowly, so you can see the entire city from there. On a clear night, you can see as far as Stone Mountain. It was also the place where I met Laura.
I was there with this girl named Shelia. Laura was sitting alone at the bar. We made eye contact each time I passed her. Shelia was making her case for me to leave April and kick it with her full-time. “I’m getting a little tired of taking a backseat to your girl. I just can’t do this anymore. I mean, I never had a man to treat me the way you do, Rick. Half the time you don’t return my calls. Seems like the only time you call me is when you wanna have sex. But that’s all you think about, ain’t it, Rick?”
“Sex is not all I think about. It’s just all I think about you,” I said calmly.
I got the line from Victor, who stole it from Prince. I felt funny saying it, since I’m not particular about the Paisley Prince, but the line fit perfectly. Old Shelia on the other hand, was not the least bit amused. She started trippin’.
“You got a lot of fuckin’ nerve sayin’ some shit like that to me! Who the fuck do you think you are? You ain’t all that, muthafucka! Sayin’ that shit to me like I’m a piece of meat or something. I ought to slap the shit outta you!”
At that point I stopped listening.
I knew nothing constructive was coming after that anyway. We made another pass by the bar and Laura. She smiled and shook her head. I smiled back. “And now you got the nerve to be flirting with that bitch at the bar.” She stood up and assumed sista position: hand on one hip, finger waving, head rockin’. “You ain’t ’bout shit, are you, Rick? You need to take me home. I’ll be right back,” Shelia said and walked off.
When the revolving floor made its way back around to the bar, Laura was standing there waiting. She sat down, introduced herself, and handed me her card. “Call me sometime,” she said and got up and returned to her seat at the bar. Shortly after that, Shelia came back and I took her home.
Here’s the funny part.
After all that flip and dip she went through at the bar and her not saying one word to me on the way to her apartment, she invited me in. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“That’s cool.” And with that she disappeared. I sat patiently on the couch waiting for what seemed to be a long time just for her to fix a drink. Then she came around the corner and she stood before me.
A naked silhouette in the distance.
I smiled.
In one hand was a bottle, the other a glass. She poured and handed me the glass.
“I thought you were mad at me?”
“Shhhh,” she said and sat down next to me. “We’re not going to have sex.”
“We never do,” I replied. “What we have is far beyond what I would call sex.”
We sat there in silence, drinking wine until out glasses were empty. Shelia smiled and poured herself another glass. She raised the bottle; a silent offering. I accepted her offer. She filled my glass and looked at the bottle. Noting that it was almost empty, she unbuttoned my shirt and poured the remains on my chest, and proceeded to lick and suck it off. I watched in silence as her tongue moved softly across my chest, lingering only at the nipples. I reached for her, but she pushed my hands away. I started to protest.
“Shhhh” and a deep, passionate kiss met my objections. The taste of her tongue and champagne was sweet to my lips. She put her glass down and began to run her hands along my body.
Shelia took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom. She politely asked me to take off my clothes and lay spread-eagle on the bed. I looked at her strangely, but I still complied with her request. After all, we had taken our sexual encounters to a level that few knew of, and far fewer live in. Our minds and bodies existed in a sexual utopia, where euphoria is the order of the day.
She sat next to me on the bed and smiled in admiration of my erection, showing her appreciation for its beauty with her hands.
Then Shelia proceeded to tie both of my wrists to the bed frame. I started to protest again, but as before, “Shhhh” and a deep, passionate kiss met my objections, and that seemed to satisfy me for a while.
So naturally, I didn’t protest when she blindfolded me.
“What about my legs?” I asked innocently.
“Shhhh,” she said. “You’re going to need them.”
The room was now quiet. I called her name.
It echoed through the house, but went unanswered. It wasn’t long before I heard music playing: Hard Bop jazz. Hard Bop is a style of jazz that incorporates influences from rhythm and blues, gospel music, and blues, especially in the trumpet, saxophone and piano playing. Major influences in this genre were Lee Morgan and Miles Davis. The music had a rollicking, rhythmic style like the musicians playing it put there entire heart, soul and body into it. It was our prefered music to have sex by. I called to her again, still no reply. Over the sounds of “Exotique” by Lee Morgan, I heard the front door open and close. I was alone, tied semi-spread-eagle to the bed, and glad to be there. I did, however, give some thought to the fact that Shelia had cursed me out less than an hour ago.
Suppose she went to get a sharp knife so she could cut my dick off? I thought.
I pulled on my bonds to see how tight they were. I was relieved when I felt them give.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been there or how long I would have to wait for her return, or what would happen when she returned. In my mind, I painted a flowing picture of what was to come. My erection faded and returned with each new thought.
I squirmed.
The door opened; I lay still in anticipation. I inhaled deeply and smelled her scent in the room. I called to her, but “Shhhh” and a deep, passionate kiss was the response I received. This time it was coupled with the feeling of warmth coming from her hands on my body. As I lay on my back enjoying the taste of her tongue, darting playfully in and out of my mouth, I thought, This is it?
I heard a noise. The kissing and touching stopped. I called to her, but this time my calls went unanswered. Another noise, and then her scent returned and she resumed her work: kissing me passionately and stroking my erection. The sensation of hands gave way to the sensation of her lips, soft and wet, against my chest and then to my now throbbing hardness. She straddled my face and I inhaled her scent. Soon my lips and tongue where engaged with her lips and clit, slowly tonguing her lips and sucking lightly on her clit. My excitement grew as I relied only on my scenes of touch and smell.
She bit my bottom lip. Shelia was wild and did whateve
r she wanted, when and how she wanted to do it. She kissed me hard and sucked my tongue, and then Shelia moved on to sucking my neck. Then, without using her hands, she took my nipple into her mouth and bit it just the way I liked. And that shit felt so fuckin’ good because Shelia’s lips and tongue were soft.
“Shit,” I said softly.
Once again, “Shhhh” and a deep, passionate kiss was the response I received.
Shelia shoved my legs apart and slid her body between my thighs. With no hands, she took my dick in her mouth and sucked it unmercifully.
“That’s it, work that shit!” I said, expecting her to tell me to be quiet, but it seemed to excite her. The more I coached, the harder she sucked. Just when I was about to explode, she swung her body around and adjusted herself onto my face. I used my fingers to pull her lips apart and sucked her dipping wet pussy from the top of her crack to the bottom. Her juices ran down my cheeks, and like a greedy crack fiend, I sucked harder trying not to allow any to go to waste. I pulled her in closer and went deep with my tongue.
I eased two fingers inside her pussy and slid them in and out of her while I sucked her clit. Then suddenly, Shelia lifted her head up. “I want you to fuck me, Rick. I want you to fuck me so you’ll know this is your pussy,” she said.
I sucked her harder and shoved my fingers deeper into her warmth. I sucked her so hard I took her words away, and used my tongue to play with her clit. I raked my teeth against it slightly, because I knew it drove her mad. I could feel her walls contract and tighten around my fingers. “Oh, shit!” she screamed. “I’m about to cum, baby!”
Shelia straddled me and eased herself down on my dick. She rode me slowly while I feasted on her nipples. I began to feel her legs trembling on my thighs, and I pushed harder. Shelia bore down on me and increased her pace. She reached out and touched my face with both hands and kissed me.
Shelia grinded her hips into mine, pinning my shoulders against the bed, and stared into my eyes. I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t move and I didn’t want to. She grabbed her hips and slowly slid up and down on me. With her eyes squeezed tightly shut, Shelia rode me slowly; grinding her hips until I was so deep inside her that her body started to tremble. “Damn, I’m gonna miss this dick. It’s so fuckin’ good.”